.. _addresses: ========= Addresses ========= ``store.addresses`` provide to you logged user's addresses. ``Address`` object represent an customer address (for shipping or billing) or user data profile. Some attribute are only available for "profile" type address. ``with_scope``, ``paginate`` liquid tag are available with ``store.addresses``. A customer have only one "profile" type address. It isn't possible to update ``address_type`` value or remove address with "profile" type. ------------------------ Attributes ------------------------ The ``store.addresses`` item has the following attributes: .. csv-table:: address attributes :header: "Name", "Type", "Desciption" :widths: 15, 15, 70 "id", "Integer", Address ID" "address_type", "String", "``profile`` for user data or ``address`` for shipping or invoice address" "city", "String", "City" "country", "Object", "Object with country id and name" "display_name", "String", "Address name (firstname and lastname)" "is_company", "Boolean", "" "name", "String", "Address name" "opt_in", "Boolean", "" "opt_out", "Boolean", "" "phone", "String", "Phone number" "ref", "String", "" "state", "String", "State ID (US Addresses)" "street", "String", "Address" "street2", "String", "Address" "vat", "String", "VAT identification number (for company profile)" "zip", "String", "Zip code" Example : Display available shipping or billing addresses of logged user .. code-block:: liquid {% with_scope address_type: "address" %} {% for address in store.addresses %}
{{address.zip}} - {{address.city}}
{% endfor %} {% endwith_scope %} Display login user profile data .. code-block:: liquid {% with_scope address_type: "profile" %} {% assign profile = store.addresses.first %}
{{profile.zip}} - {{profile.city}}
{% endwith_scope %} A user have only one profile address. Actions ======= -------------------------------- Add shipping or billing address -------------------------------- To add an address to logged user's address book you need to submit a form to "invader/address/create" action with all address paramaters required. ``available_countries`` provide countries list set up to the store on Odoo. Only available if ``address_type`` is "address". *Controller* invader/address/create HTML form to add address .. code-block:: html
-------------------------------- Update address -------------------------------- To update an address you have to submit a form to "invader/address/
/update" action with all address paramaters updated. ``
`` represent the address ID. ``available_countries`` provide countries list set up to the store on Odoo. *Controller* invader/address/
/update HTML form to update address .. code-block:: html
-------------------------------- Remove address -------------------------------- To remove an address you need to submit a form to "invader/address/
/remove" action. ``
`` represent the address ID. Only available if ``address_type`` is "address". *Controller* invader/address/
/remove HTML form to remove address .. code-block:: html